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So I got some new glasses in December,
in the picture you will notice that the sides have rhinestones spelling out "D & G" in fancy cursive. If you don't already know..."D & G" stands for Dolce & Gabbana, which is a high-end brand name. If you've never heard of it don't feel left out, apparently you are not alone. Well I got them about a week before we went to Hawaii for Christmas and we met up with Toms sister and her family that live in California. Upon noticing my new glasses and the "D & G" on the side, my brother in law, Brian commented on how he was "impressed" that these glasses were for purchase in Utah...he joked that he didn't realize that Utahns even knew what it was! Well a few weeks after we returned to Utah, we went to a baptism and a lady came up to me and said, "Monica! I LOVE you glasses..."D & C" spiritual of you!!" This comment made me want to laugh so hard because only in Utah would someone think you could get glasses with a scriptural reference on them, but I didn't want to offend her and she obviously wouldn't have known what Dolce & Gabbana was if I had corrected her. So I just nodded, smiled, and said "yeah, uh-huh!" Well since then a few ppl have simply asked me what my glasses say and when I tell them, some immediately know what I am talking about and others I have to go into more detail. But on Sunday I was sitting in Sunday School and the teacher was passing out scriptures for ppl to read and he looked at my glasses and asked, "Do your glasses stand for Doctrine & Covenants? Cause that is what we are studying today!!" So of course the whole room is kinda looking at me and my glasses and waiting for my response...I told him that they say "D & G" not "D & C" and that "D & G" stands for Dolce & Gabbana...those few that know what it is just nodded and smiled and the teacher and most of the rest of the room just looked at me like I was some weirdo that wears glasses with random letters on them! Just had to share my funny story!
We are still alive! I'll keep this short. Since my last post nothing much has really been going on, which is mostly why I haven't posted.! To update you, our Valentines was good! I had been sick the whole week of Valentines and Tom got sick the day before so we just went to dinner and rented a movie and hung out at home. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. A week later we celebrated my dad's 50th birthday! He got an ipod and is pretty much loving it! Then at the beginning of March my great grandma passed away! :'( She had a heart attack last May and was in the hospital for awhile, she was able to go home for I think under a week (I was in Europe at the time) and she has been in a Care Center ever since. It sure has been a rocky year for her and those of us watching her though. One week she would be doing really good and wanting to get up and dance and then the next week we would be lucky if she could communicate with us! As time went on she just kept getting worse and worse and then at the end she couldn't even move. One day just before she passed my mom was up with her and my grandma told her that she would like a blessing, so later that day me, tom, & my parents went back and Tom and my dad gave her a blessing. Then a few days later my mom got a call at work and she was told that if she wanted to see her and say goodbye that she needed to go up. So my mom and sister headed up and kept in touch with me, then after I got off work I headed up with Tom. When we got there a lady from hospice was there playing the harp for is called music therapy and she does this alot when people are getting ready to die. It was really peaceful to be there for and really hard to see her as well cause she was worse than we've ever seen. At this point she couldn't communicate at all and could barely breathe. She also couldn't swallow, so no food or drink. We knew it wouldn't be long! After sitting with her for awhile we told her that we love her and that we would miss her, but that it was ok to go and find grandpa. She made it through the night and the next day and my mom went back up the next evening. They had the harpist come in again that evening and it helped to relax my grandma and later that evening about 30-45 minutes after the last visitor left, she went home to our Heavenly Father. It breaks my heart that she was all alone when this happened...but the way I see it, she wanted to be alone cause she had been surrounded by family all day and night and then that quickly after they all went home and she was gone. Her funeral was a few days later and it was a nice service, where we were able to remember all the fun happy times we got to share with her! And as much as we miss her, we know that she is in a better place and we are so grateful that she doesn't need to suffer anymore. We are also grateful for the Atonement of Christ and that because of it we will get to be with her again someday!
On a happier note...last night we had Tom's brother Justin, his wife Laurel, and 2 other friends to be left unnamed over to play Wii and hang out. One of the unnamed is a cop and somehow the topic of conversation became to be about tasers and how many people he has tased and if it hurts and all the questions that someone that hasn't experienced it asks. So he decided to get his taser and let Tom and Justin experience it...of COURSE I HAD to get video of it!!! Toms reaction is HILARIOUS!
Make sure your sounds is on!